
Learning About HVAC Contractor Services

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Learning About HVAC Contractor Services

Hello, my name is Winnie Slone. Welcome to my site about HVAC contractor services. The HVAC equipment in my home was in a serious state of disrepair after living there for several years. I was absolutely clueless about the maintenance schedule required for each of the components. As a result, all of the filters and ducts were clogged with dust and debris. My HVAC contractor helped restore the function of each of the components in the system. I want to share the information I learned throughout that process to help others avoid making the same mistakes. Please visit again soon to learn more.


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Reasons Behind Uneven Cooling In Your Home

It can be inconvenient when the temperatures across your home differ from your custom settings on the thermostat. Since uneven cooling is due to an underlying system malfunction, it is wise you employ AC repair services for your system examination to ascertain the cause of low cooling and address it.

Read the following reasons to learn why your AC is unevenly cooling your home.

Leaky Air Ducts  

The AC's ductwork runs across the walls of your house, distributing cool air to different rooms. However, these ducts may develop leaks due to constant temperature fluctuation that contracts and expands them often. Moreover, incorrect duct installation may result in improperly sealed connections that leak cool air while putting up small ducts that don't fit the demands of your home. Consequently, you will experience uneven cooling as air leaks into the unconditioned spaces. Therefore, you should hire an AC expert to detect leaks and patch them for proper airflow throughout your home.

Old AC Unit

If your unit is aging, it could be to blame for uneven cooling. This is because an old unit will lose capacity over time due to the components accumulating much wear and tear. Furthermore, an aging unit will deliver a slow flow of cool air that is barely registered in other areas of your home apart from those near the vents. Thus, you should contact an AC professional to install a correctly sized AC for peak cooling capacity for your home's needs.

Clogged Air Filters

Gradually in the course of AC's operation, dirt and debris accumulate in the air filters, clogging them up. As a result, the debris build-up restricts air into the AC, implying limited air supply from the vents. Therefore, you should hire AC repair services to clean the washable air filter. If the filters are disposable, they will replace them for adequate airflow and cooling.

Short Cycling

If your unit is oversized for your home, it will frequently short-cycle. This is due to premature cooling cycles that result in the system turning off before attaining the set temperature. In addition, if a leak springs out of the lines carrying the refrigerant, it will prevent your system from completing a cooling cycle hence multiple hot and cool spots in your home. Thus, you should engage an AC contractor to downsize your unit for one that cools your home adequately. Moreover, they will patch the line set for peak cooling capacity.

An AC unit that is unevenly cooling your home will undermine your home's comfort and increase your utility bills.

If you notice differing temperatures in your home, contact an AC repair service.