
Learning About HVAC Contractor Services

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Learning About HVAC Contractor Services

Hello, my name is Winnie Slone. Welcome to my site about HVAC contractor services. The HVAC equipment in my home was in a serious state of disrepair after living there for several years. I was absolutely clueless about the maintenance schedule required for each of the components. As a result, all of the filters and ducts were clogged with dust and debris. My HVAC contractor helped restore the function of each of the components in the system. I want to share the information I learned throughout that process to help others avoid making the same mistakes. Please visit again soon to learn more.


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Three Types Of Heating Systems For Your Home

If you are considering having a new heating system installed in your home or are building a new home structure, you have quite a few options to choose from if you don't want to stick to the same type of system that you have currently. Below, you will learn about three of the more popular types of heating systems available on the market: furnaces, boilers, and heat pumps.


Furnaces are probably the most popular type of heating systems in homes today. These systems are designed to work by blowing hot air through a ducting or ventilation system. Generally, these are called forced-air heating systems. Furnaces can run off of a variety of types of fuel, including electricity, natural gas, and oil.

As far as furnaces go, the price for the equipment and installation will vary based on a number of factors. These factors include the square footage of the heating space, the fuel rates for the specific type of fuel that will be used, etc. If you are currently using a furnace in your home and are looking to make it more energy-efficient, then this can be done by making certain upgrades to the equipment.


Boilers are often called radiant heating systems. These systems are designed to function by heating the air within the boiler until the air turns into steam, which is then forced through the system to heat your home. Similar to a furnace, a boiler can be powered by natural gas, electricity, as well as propane.

Boilers utilize radiant heat instead of forced-air systems in order to heat up your space. These systems include aluminum panels, baseboard heaters, as well as conventional radiators. They may be attached to the ceiling or wall throughout the home. Because of their ability to be controlled from one room to the next, boilers are often popular with homeowners living in colder climates.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are newer heating systems that make use of the natural environment to produce heat for the home. A heat pump utilizes a refrigerant that absorbs heat from outside. This exterior source may be the air, ground, or even a body of water. Once that refrigerant is heated by the natural source, there is an exchanger that works to transfer the heat throughout the home. So, if you are trying to go green or be more energy-efficient, a heat pump may be a wise choice. It is also recommended for those who live in parts of the country with temperate climates.

If you have any questions or need help deciding which type of heating system would be best for your home, contact a heating installation company near you.