
Learning About HVAC Contractor Services

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Learning About HVAC Contractor Services

Hello, my name is Winnie Slone. Welcome to my site about HVAC contractor services. The HVAC equipment in my home was in a serious state of disrepair after living there for several years. I was absolutely clueless about the maintenance schedule required for each of the components. As a result, all of the filters and ducts were clogged with dust and debris. My HVAC contractor helped restore the function of each of the components in the system. I want to share the information I learned throughout that process to help others avoid making the same mistakes. Please visit again soon to learn more.


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The Life Expectancy Of Most Refrigerators, And How To Extend It

Refrigerators, despite the intense job that they do, tend to last a lot longer than most other appliances. This is good news for you, since a refrigerator is one of the most expensive appliances you will ever have to buy. Many refrigerators last at least a decade. If they are well-maintained and well-cared for, you might even get two decades out of one fridge. Here is how you can extend the life expectancy of the new refrigerator you just purchased.

Definitely Sign Up for the Extended Warranty

Granted, you do not expect your refrigerator to keel over in the one to three years for which most refrigerator manufacturers provide warranties. However, you do not want to be caught off guard, either. If the store from which you purchased your refrigerator offers an extended warranty and/or an extended service plan, buy the plan/extended warranty. That way, if anything does go wrong, you are covered, and your fridge will last much longer post-repairs.

Do Not Place It Where It Can Get Too Hot

The whole purpose of a refrigerator is to keep everything inside really cold. The minute the exterior of a refrigerator feels heat, it signals the refrigeration system to kick on and work harder to keep the interior of the appliance consistently cold. When your refrigerator works overtime because it senses extreme heat, your refrigerator will not last as long as expected. Ergo, do not place a refrigerator in direct sunlight, and be sure to put it far away from your stove and/or range top.

Clean the Coils Monthly

A refrigerator has several exposed coils on the back of it. These coils contain the refrigerant that is responsible for producing the cold interior environment of this appliance. The coils need to be cleaned with lukewarm soapy water at least once a month so that the collection of dust and debris does not cause the coils to overheat.

Make Sure the Sealing Gaskets Are Clean

The sealing gaskets on your refrigerator are those funny, rubbery parts that cling to the main frame of the refrigerator when you close the doors. Some are white, while others are black. Their purpose is to maintain a tight seal around the doors to prevent cold and frozen air from escaping and prevent warm air from getting inside the refrigerator. This is why you can keep food cold for a few hours after you lose power in your home without worrying about spoilage.

Seek out Refrigeration Repair When Something Is Not Right

When your fridge does not seem cold enough, stuff is melting or thawing, and/or the motor does not kick on when the door is left open for more than a minute, something is not right. You should immediately relocate your food, if you can, to another refrigerator or chest freezer and then call a refrigeration repair technician. Make sure he/she knows it is an emergency so that you can get the fridge fixed quickly. Once the new parts have been installed, your refrigerator should operate just fine for a few more years.

Continue to Have Your Fridge Checked and Maintained Regularly

An HVAC technician who works with and repairs refrigerators can check and maintain your fridge once or twice a year. This will help your fridge stay in tip-top shape. It will also catch any potential repairs that will need immediate attention to prevent the complete break-down of your fridge. If you follow all of the above tips, service agreements, and scheduled maintenance, your refrigerator will last a very long time indeed. Ask a technician from companies like Custom Heating &  Air Conditioning LLC for other useful tips and hints.